Company all staff to sanya, hainan Release time:2019-09-04     Time to browse

  To carry forward the Thai into company enterprise culture, the company organization staff go to sanya in hainan tourism, July 17, travelling to hefei xinqiao airport in the morning, at noon on the flight to sanya, began a five-day trip to sanya, hainan.

  According to the schedule, we successively for sightseeing hainan natural and human landscape, such as yalong bay tropical paradise forest park, yalong bay beach, wuzhizhou island, GanShenLing betelnut GuHaiNa heart of indigenous culture, the ends of the earth and other famous tourist attractions, the whole trip is rich and leisure. In hainan's first coastal mountain ecological tourism and forest oxygen bar of yalong bay of tropical paradise forest park, you feel the collection of shan qi, Lin, water show in one of the natural oxygen bar. In the valley of betel nut fully appreciate the local conditions and customs of the local ethnic minorities, in wuzhizhou island, yalong bay, the ends of the earth you appreciate the pleasant scenery of the sea, and saw the vast blue sky or dive into the mysterious underwater world, enjoy all kinds of seafood and tropical fruit; Sanya in the hainan trip, enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, enjoy the joy of the travel and easy, make everybody linger on.

  Company organization this vacation is to reward for a long time hard work of adults, thank them for into the development of the company contribution. Through the tour activity everyone feel the warmth and care, not only ease the employees at ordinary times working pressure and tension, and edify sentiment, improve their own self-cultivation, to strengthen team cohesion, to fully demonstrate the enterprise spirit of our company.

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